As the pandemic entered its second year in 2021, this changed what people prioritised in many ways, including having cosmetic surgery treatments. In 2020, many people had their planned elective surgical procedures canceled. Cosmetic Surgeons in most areas of the UK were unable to perform cosmetic procedures for about half of the year. Research on the number of cosmetic surgery procedures carried out in the UK tended to give a false impression of a reduction in interest, this was found not to be the case, in fact, inquiries for these procedures still came in as normal as people looked at plastic surgery options for when procedures could be carried out again.
The slow easing of restrictions, reopening of sections of the leisure industry such as bars and restaurants allowed people to meet face-to-face after months apart has meant Brits were seeking plastic surgery in droves. The most popular plastic surgeries in 2021 reveal the procedures most enquired about.
Cosmetic Surgery For Women
- Breast Surgery
- Tummy Tuck Surgery
- Liposuction Surgery
- Rhinoplasty Surgery
- Blepharoplasty Surgery
- Brow Lift
- Buccal Fat Removal Surgery
- Lip Lift Surgery
Cosmetic Surgery For Men
In the UK, plastic surgery was not classed as ‘essential’ during the first lockdown and all elective cosmetic surgery procedures could not take place. Fortunately, the UK has now eased restrictions on cosmetic surgical procedures allowing customers to get a consultation and surgery to take place once more.
Even though cosmetic surgery wasn’t classed as essential the popularity still remained and it’s not just women who are undergoing cosmetic surgery, as more men in the UK are choosing to have cosmetic procedures, according to the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons 10% of all cosmetic surgeries are performed on Men which is increasing every year and now that video consultations have risen dramatically over the previous years due to the lockdown it became more accessible for people to have this form of consultation on platforms such as Zoom as the industry had to quickly adapt into a more digital environment to provide a service that wasn’t available in-person.
Breast Surgeries
Breast Surgeries still remain to be one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries for Women, these include a range of different surgeries such as breast enlargement, breast uplift, breast reduction, and breast reaugmentation. All of these surgeries are different and can help you get the perfect chest, making you feel less self-conscious and filling you with more confidence.
Available Breast Surgeries
- Breast Enlargement Surgery
- Breast Uplift Surgery
- Breast Reduction Surgery
- Breast Re-Augmentation Surgery
Tummy Tuck Surgeries
Tummy Tuck surgeries are becoming increasingly popular and they can help provide your abdomen a smoother and firmer appearance, this could be helpful for men or women who have recently lost weight and have excess skin or women who have recently had a child and they are finding it hard to get their body back to the way it was pre-pregnancy. Overall Tummy Tucks are a great way to quickly lose the excess skin without the tough-toning or eccentric-exercising that you would normally have to try.
Available Tummy Tuck Surgeries
Liposuction Surgeries
Sometimes, dieting and exercise are enough to maintain a healthy weight but it won’t always give you the results that you want from your body, and for others, it simply doesn’t work, no matter how hard they try. This can come down to age, genetics, and the type of lifestyle that is led, but there is a solution to finally fighting away the stubborn areas of fat that refuse to budge and with the quick and effective results liposuction gives you it makes it more of the most popular cosmetic surgeries for both Women and Men.
Available Surgery
Rhinoplasty Surgery
Another favoured cosmetic surgery is rhinoplasty also known as a ”nose-job”. This was a popular treatment for women but it is becoming increasingly more popular for men as the social stigma around men having cosmetic surgery is beginning to fade.
Available Rhinoplasty Surgeries
Blepharoplasty Surgery
With age-defiance at its focal point, Blepharoplasty surgery, more commonly known as an eyelift or simply eyelid surgery, is specifically designed to fight the appearance of sagging skin around the eyes to restore a youthful appearance to your face for both men and women. This is performed by removing excess skin and tissue around the upper and lower eyelids.
Available Surgery
Brow Lift Surgery
Preferred to pair with an eyelift, brow lifts are another equally popular form of cosmetic surgery to reduce the appearance of aging around your eyes. A brow lift surgery is slightly different than other surgeries that can be performed to the face as there are a number of different methods that can be used during the surgery to achieve the desired outcome.
Available Surgery
Buccal Fat Removal Surgery
Buccal fat removal is a minimally invasive form of cosmetic procedure that is used to target the buccal fat pad within the cheeks. The buccal fat pads are a rounded mass of fat that is found deep within the centre of the cheeks in the area beneath the cheekbone. This cosmetic procedure is popular with both women and men to help give you a slimmer and more defined face.
Available Surgery
Lip Lift Surgery
Being more popular with women, lip lift surgery is a form of surgical procedure that is designed to reduce the distance between the base of the nose and the top of the upper lip to make the lip appear fuller, more balanced, and proportionate.
Available Surgery
Hair Transplants
With many different surgeries, available Hair transplants are becoming extremely popular with men as Hair loss is no laughing matter and can have serious consequences to a person’s mental health, but with the latest developments, these surgical procedures help to regrow hair in balding areas.
Available Hair Transplant Surgeries
- FUE Hair Transplant Surgery
- FUT Hair Transplant Surgery
- Afro Transplant Surgery
- Female Hair Transplant Surgery
Facial Hair Transplants
Another popular surgical treatment with men is facial hair transplants, these can help provide or restore the appearance of beards or eyebrows to give them a more fuller look and this can help benefit the person’s mental health as well as their appearance as a whole to make them feel more confident in today’s society
Available Facial Transplant Surgeries
- Eye Brow Transplant Surgery
- Beard Transplant Surgery
Find out more
All these treatments are available with us and if you have any questions or if you would just like to know more about the treatments above just click through to their respective pages filled with all the information you need to know about these cosmetic treatments, or if you prefer a more personal discussion, feel free to chat to one of our team members.