Breast implant surgery is one of the most popular surgical procedures performed around the world, with hundreds of thousands of women already having opted to enhance their breasts through surgery. Despite it’s obvious popularity though, many people are still sceptical of the procedure and the results that are associated with it which often leads to the question “is breast implant surgery worth it?”
The benefits of undergoing implant surgery can be huge, including a higher sense of self-esteem and satisfaction with your own appearance, but the mental and physical energy that you need to put towards the procedure can push you to derail your plans before the surgery even happens. To help you though, we’ve tried to make your life a little easier by detailing the reasons why breast implant surgery is completely worth it.
What is breast implant surgery?
Breast implant surgery, more simply known as a boob job, is a procedure that is most commonly performed for women who are looking to achieve a fuller, more even and more symmetrical chest. The size options, on paper, are endless although this is something that will need to be discussed with the individual patient as their body will need to be suitable for the size they plan on going to.
During surgery, a small incision is made within the natural crease of the breast where the chosen implant is inserted and the opening incision is closed with dissolvable stitches. The implants themselves are either comprised of a saline solution or silicone and are used to increase the size and improve the shape of the breasts.
So, is breast implant surgery worth it?
In our opinion, providing that you’re going into surgery with the right reasons and ideas behind it then breast implant surgery is 100% worth it. To make your decision easy, here are our top reasons why the surgery is worth having;
Breast implant surgery is safe and comes with little complication
In general, breast implant surgery is a very safe procedure with very little risk of any complications or side effects developing afterwards. The only risks that are really associated are complications that stem from issues with how the wound heals and the possibility of blood accumulating at the site of the surgery, but with talented surgeons there is an incredibly low risk of any issues.
Breast implants themselves last for a long time
Undergoing implant surgery is not intended as a short-term or temporary fix. Most breast implants last between 10 and 15 years and in some instances can even last for a lifetime. When considering surgery, it’s important to take into account that the results are going to be with you for a significant portion of your life.
Breast implants are actually relatively cheap
When you take all the benefits of breast implant surgery into consideration, the price is actually pretty affordable. The cost of breast implants tends to vary depending on the surgeon that you see and the location where you are, but breast implant surgery starts at less than £4500. Given how long the results of the procedure should last for and the benefits it can provide to both your appearance and self-esteem, the cost of breast implants is definitely worth it.
The surgery will give a boost to your body confidence
Arguably the greatest benefit of breast implant surgery, it is pretty much guaranteed to provide a huge boost to self-esteem and body confidence of patients who undergo the procedure. The biggest reason that women state when booking themselves in for surgery is self-consciousness about the size and shape of their breasts but after just one surgical procedure, low self-esteem quickly becomes a thing of the past.
The recovery period is fairly short and simple
As with any surgical procedure, there is a period of recovery required after undergoing breast implant surgery but the good news is that is actually relatively short and easy. For the first day or two there will definitely be some tightness and discomfort in the area that has been operated on, but after a few days this should ease and patients should start to feel more normal again. After a week or so, returning to normal everyday life is on the cards and after around six weeks you’ll be able to resume exercising again. That’s it for the recovery, short and simple and after a few weeks, your life will be back to normal.
Achieve symmetry with your breasts and nipples
If your breasts are asymmetrical and one is clearly smaller than the other, it is something that can cause huge issues with confidence and make it difficult to find clothing or bras that fit properly. Having a surgery performed can help you to achieve symmetry with your breasts and the surgical precision can ensure that there is no difference between the breasts. The surgeon can even reposition the nipples to ensure that they match up on both sides and correct any aesthetic imperfections.
So, what’s your opinion then, is breast implant surgery worth it? Over the years we’ve performed hundreds of surgeries and had wonderful reviews from all of our patients, to find out more about this amazing surgical procedure and the amazing benefits it has, please contact us today!