Cellulite is something the vast majority of people around the world, including famous celebrities and models you see in magazines, they’re just able to have someone touch their photo’s up to hide its appearance. It’s something that can affect every body type, no matter how skinny you are, and it’s directly responsible for affecting peoples confidence when it comes to showing their skin.
While there’s nothing wrong with having a bit of cellulite, it’s still something that you might want to change about yourself and there are treatments available that can help you to fight its appearance.
What exactly is cellulite?
In the most simple terms, cellulite is an incredibly common and harmless skin condition that is responsible for causing the appearance of dimples and lumps on the skin, most noticeably around the thighs, hips and bum. While it can affect both men and women, it tends to be more prevalent in women and they seem to be the ones who want to get rid of it most.
When your skin is being affected by cellulite, it’s often referred to as “orange peel” skin as the little bumps and dimples resemble those seen on an orange peel. It forms just beneath the skin when the fibrous cords that connect the skin to the muscle break or stretch when fat cells build up and push against the skin, which is why the skin doesn’t appear as tight as it used to.
It’s also unclear why some people actually develop cellulite and others don’t, and while women are more likely to be affected than men, it’s something that tends to be hereditary so it’s possible that genetics might play a role in it.
Is cellulite a problem?
Absolutely not, cellulite is completely harmless and is something that pretty much everyone will go through at some point in their life. The reason why cellulite is viewed as a problem is because of the unrealistic standards that women are held to by the media.
What we mean by this is that, no matter where you look for clothes or beauty products (or even if you’re just having a quick browse of Instagram), all the women in use are portrayed in an almost flawless kind of way. There’s not one hair out of place, the makeup is perfect to within a millimeter and their skin is smoother than a baby’s bum. This has created an expectation of what women should look like and for the vast majority of women, this is directly responsible for their insecurities about their body.
Cellulite is not something that will cause any damage and neither is it an indication that there is anything wrong with your body, the only problem it causes is your own opinion of your body.

Can you get rid of it?
At the moment, there is no way that is guaranteed to rid you of cellulite for good, but scientific advancements are always going to move further towards that goal. However, there are a number of different ways that you can actively fight the appearance of cellulite, both at home and using non-surgical treatments.
From the comfort of your own home, you can fight its appearance by;
- Eating less saturated fats found in animal products and dairy
- Having more Omega 3 in your diet
- Avoid being sat down for prolonged periods, make sure you’re getting enough exercise each day
- Add a detox water to your diet (some researchers have said that the build up of toxins in the body is directly related to the appearance of cellulite)
These are just some general day to day improvements that will help your body out in more ways than just fighting the appearance of cellulite, but they won’t be able to drastically fight the appearance of cellulite on their own. There are also treatments, such as the HIFU cellulite reduction treatment, that are able to fight and reduce the appearance of cellulite quickly and efficiently.
How does HIFU work?
HIFU, or high intensity focused ultrasound, is relatively new in the world of treating cellulite, but it’s very quickly become one of the best methods of treatment. It’s a non-invasive and pain free way to treat the affected area, which sets it apart from more traditional options like liposuction which requires undergoing surgery to remove fat cells.
Cellulite reduction is performed by using a handheld device to direct ultrasound energy into the affected area. By focusing on just this area, the ultrasound energy is able to penetrate beneath the skin and cause a thermal reaction inside the muscle and fat tissues which forces the muscles to contract and the body to begin producing collagen. As we all know, collagen is the thing within the body that gives the skin a youthful and firm appearance, which directly fights the surface appearance of cellulite whilst simultaneously having an effect on the fat cells that have caused the appearance of cellulite.
An even better reason to opt for HIFU is the fact that a single sessions doesn’t usually take any longer than 30 minutes, allowing you to book yourself in on a lunch break or just when you have a free hour. You’ll start to see your results showing immediately, but depending on the area to be treated it’s possible that you may need to have some repeat treatments to truly fight the appearance of cellulite.
So, can you actually get rid of cellulite for good?
While you can drastically fight the appearance of cellulite using a treatment like HIFU, cellulite is something that you’ll never manage to completely get rid of. Having said that, the results of a HIFU treatment should last for years and even if the cellulite starts to come back, the treatment will have provided you with some permanent benefits.
To find out more about non-surgical cellulite reduction, or to book a completely free no-obligation consultation with one of our team, get in touch with us today on 0800 772 0039 or click here.