Hair loss within the male population is incredibly common worldwide, with millions of men affected by it every year and almost 2/3 of all men beginning to go bald by the time that they’re 60. The main difference men have with hair loss when compared to women is that there is no stigma attached to it, sure it can be a bit of a confidence issue to know you’re losing your hair, however with high profile celebrities like Bruce Willis and Dwayne Johnson rocking a fully bald look it’s a lot easier for men to cope with losing their locks. Over the years there have been many baldness and hair loss myths spread around, from old wives’ tales through to people spreading rumours when losing their hair and attributing it to something else, but which are myths, and which are true?
Hair loss myth 1 – Your hair loss has been passed down from your mother’s side
We’ll start out with a myth that’s sort of 50/50 in the realms of truth and myth as the primary baldness gene is linked to the X chromosome which men do inherit from their mother, however there are several other factors that affect this. Yes, hair loss is hereditary and more dominant on the mother’s side of the family, but scientific research has suggested that if the man has a bald father that they are much more likely to lose their hair than if their mums father is balding.
Hair loss myth 2 – Wearing a hat will cause you to lose your hair
Contrary to popular belief, wearing a hat will not cause you any hair loss problems which is good news for anyone who enjoys wearing a cap, whether they just feel more comfortable in one or are already using it to cover a balding area. You do need to make sure that the hat you choose is kept clean though as dirty hats can cause a scalp infection which can speed up hair loss (which is probably where this myth came from).
Hair loss myth 3 – Men who are more sexually active will lose their hair quicker
This one is one of the more popular myths out there, but it’s good news for those who are very active in the bedroom as there is no truth to it. Research has shown that men who are bald or balding don’t have, on average, more testosterone than those who are hairier.
Hair loss myth 4 – Using gel, hairspray and other products can make your hair fall out
This has been scientifically proven to be a myth, no matter whether you use 3 cans of hairspray per day or occasionally style your locks with a bit of wax, this will not cause you to lose your hair. Using tools such as curling or straightening irons however can speed up the process of hair loss due the the effect that they have on the hair.
Hair loss myth 5 – If you’re losing your hair then you must be old
Although we commonly see a lot of people who are much older with less hair, again this is a myth and hair loss can strike as early as teenage years and is incredibly common between the ages of 20 and 30, with more severe hair loss affecting those who experience hair loss earlier in life.
Hair loss myth 6 – Emotional or physical trauma can cause you to lose your hair
This one is true, although there is a slight catch to it. Physical and emotional stress will not cause you to lose any hair that you wouldn’t have lost anyway, however because of this, any hair lost during periods of physical or emotional trauma is hair that you would have naturally lost anyway and balding can be sped up. Rapid weight gain or weight loss can also play a major part in hair loss.
Hair loss myth 7 – Exposing your hair to the sun encourages hair loss
There is absolutely nothing in this, in fact exposure to the sun is good for your hair. Tanning beds will also have no bad effects for your luscious locks, so you have nothing to worry about when you aim for golden brown skin.
Hair loss myth 8 – Using medicines like Propecia, Finasteride and Rogaine can prevent hair loss
This is 100% true! Although once your hair loss starts the only way to truly bring it back is to have a hair transplant performed, these medicines can slow and stop the effects of hair loss. Although they have their drawbacks, they will stall your hair loss and aid you in not losing any more, with some men even seeing some of their hair begin to grow back.
Hair loss myth 9 – Binge-eating carbs can cause hair loss
This is our final myth and it is 100% a myth, carbohydrates and red meat actually provide nutrients that are incredibly helpful to maintain a full head of hair. This is linked to research that iron deficiencies are linked quite closely to hair loss and things such as iron supplements can help to restore growth.
With all these myths and even more around, its easy to see why people can be confused about the reasons for their hair loss, but hopefully we’ve been able to shed some light on some of the more commonly seen myths and rumours. If you feel you are experiencing hair loss for any reason at all, just speak to one of our team via the live chat button at the bottom of the page.