The HIFU, or high intensity focused ultrasound, facelift procedure is one of the most highly rated non-surgical facial treatments that is currently available in the world of facial aesthetics. It’s popularity is mostly thanks to the fact that it is the most powerful non-surgical facelift treatment currently available on the market.
The HIFU facelift works by utilising ultrasound energy to target specific areas of the skin with a deep heating effect and by targeting the structural layers of the skin at key depths, the body’s natural healing response is triggered and the production of collagen in the tissue is renewed at a cellular level. As the collagen levels within the skin increase, the skin starts to tighten which reduces the signs of ageing which results in a more youthful appearance.
As we all know, collagen is one of the single most important tools that the body has to help with keep the skin from losing its laxity. When we age, the body naturally slows its production of collagen down which is why we start to lose definition in the skin and it starts to become wrinkled and aged. By triggering renewed production, in a process known as neocollagenesis, you are able to effectively treat and manage the visible signs of ageing on the skin.
What is a HIFU facelift treatment like?
Prior to treatment, you don’t need to do much to prepare yourself. The only major thing you need to avoid is direct sun exposure as sunburned or recently tanned skin can’t be treated with HIFU, so making sure your skin is ready is key. It’s also important to make sure that your skin is clear on the day, so avoid the use of any moisturiser or makeup.
During the HIFU facelift treatment, just like with a pregnancy scan or any other form of ultrasound treatment, the ultrasound gel will be applied to the skin and the handheld device is then used to perform the treatment. This device is responsible for sending the ultrasound energy into the skin where it can penetrate the tissues that are being targeted. Thanks to the way in which the HIFU energy is delivered, it targets specific depths and won’t cause any damage to neighbouring or surrounding cells/tissues. This will be repeated for the next 30-90 minutes until the treatment has been completed (this all depends on the size of area to be treated).
After treatment, there is no downtime associated with the treatment so you are safe to go back to your day, whether that’s work, home or out for a meal with friends. HIFU starts to work immediately and the collagen production will be silently working beneath the skin, so while you may not see an instant change to your skin, over the next few weeks and months you’ll see a gradual increase to the healthiness, strength and youthfulness of your skin.

What about the aftercare?
Aftercare is key if you really want to maximise the results that you achieve and the length of time that you have them for. It’s really important as well for helping to prevent any complications or side effects that can cause problems following treatment.
First things first, just like before treatment you’re going to want to avoid direct exposure to the sun. After undergoing a HIFU facelift, your skin can be more sensitive to sunlight and avoiding it can help to prevent hyperpigmentation of the skin, as well as reducing any chance of sunburn or skin damage at the same time. If you do need to go out in the sun, then using sun cream is highly encouraged as this can prevent any UV light from penetrating the skin.
Secondly you’re going to want to take a little break from alcohol. Alcohol consumption forces your liver to be put to work to process that alcohol, but after a HIFU facelift your liver will already be hard at work processing and breaking down fat cells that have been treated during the treatment. What this means is that your liver is going to need to work twice as hard as it needs to break down both the alcohol and the fat cells, making it do excess work and putting strain on it. Alcohol is also responsible for reducing the density of the blood, and if the blood loses its density then its possible for bleeding to occur as clotting becomes more difficult. Instead, it’s highly advised to drink as much water as you can (although don’t take this to extremes) as this will help to keep your body hydrated, as well as helping to increase the rate that collagen is produced which in turn boosts the results of the HIFU facelift.
Finally, you’re going to want to avoid hot showers and baths. As we mentioned earlier, after treatment your skin is likely to be a little more sensitive than usual and bathing in hot water can lead to skin irritation. It can also be detrimental to the natural protective oils that are present on the skin. Cold water is ideal, but if you don’t want to bathe in the cold then lukewarm water would be the next best scenario as this will also help with your skins recovery after a HIFU facelift treatment.
How long does a HIFU facelift last?
This all depends on how well you’re willing to manage your aftercare. If you’re on the ball with it, then your results will last much longer than if you don’t bother with it at all. No matter what, you should see a minimum period of around 3-6 months of benefits to your skin, but if you take care of it properly then the benefits of a HIFU facelift can even last as long as a year.
From that point, it’s then up to you whether you’re happy enough with your skin to leave it as is or if you want to book in for another HIFU facelift treatment to make your results last even longer.