Regardless of healthy you eat or how much exercise you do, cellulite is something that is likely to affect you at some point in your life. Cellulite itself is the name of the fat cells that form beneath the skin and cause a dimpled appearance, a little bit like the outside of an orange, and getting rid of it for good is something that crosses the mind of a lot of people who suffer from it, so how do you actually get rid of cellulite?
Well for starters, you can’t get rid of it at home, you need to book a specialised cellulite reduction treatment to do that, but there are a number of tips and tricks that you are able to carry out from the comfort of your own home that will allow you to fight the appearance of cellulite until you are able to book in for a treatment.
First things first, using a wooden body brush or massaging the affected area daily can actually help to minimise the appearance of cellulite. By doing either, you are able to jumpstart the bodies lymphatic drainage systems which help to eliminate the build up of any toxins that can accumulate within the layer of fat beneath the skin which lead to inflammation and the visible dimples. In addition to regularly brushing or massaging the area, you can also look to incorporate some form of retinol based body cream into your daily routine. Retinol cream is incredibly good for the skin and as it uses collagen building ingredients to plump up and smooth the appearance of the skin, it can help for an at home way to minimise the appearance of cellulite (whilst making your skin look and feel great at the same time too). There are also topical creams and serums that promise to get rid of cellulite but whilst they will help, they aren’t a guaranteed solution and are more likely to help strengthen your skin which in turn makes the cellulite less noticeable, but doesn’t actually get rid of it.
If you don’t like the idea of fancy creams and wooden bristles, then there are other options you can take a look at. For example, coffee scrubs can help to minimise the appearance of cellulite as well, when used topically on the affected area. By massaging the scrub into your skin, you can help to stimulate the lymphatic drainage process and because coffee contains caffeine, it can temporarily tighten and plump the skin whilst dehydrating the fat cells that are responsible for the visibility of cellulite and cause them to shrink and deflate.

You can also look at tweaking your diet and exercise regime as well. As we all know, eating the right foods in the right balance (not saying that you need to eat fruit and veg 24/7) will allow you to maintain and healthy lifestyle and whilst your diet isn’t responsible entirely for the appearance of cellulite, it can help to switch it up and eat a bit healthier. For example, keeping and eye on your sodium intake and ensuring that you eat foods full of fibre and whole grain can help your body to remove waste and toxins (and keeping up with your 5 a day won’t hurt either). It may also sound like a pretty basic solution but drinking water is actually pretty important in reducing the appearance of cellulite. Ensuring that you stay hydrated will help you and your skin as cellulite appears to be much worse when your skin is dehydrated. Even without taking cellulite into account, ensuring that you get some form of exercise is really important too and will help to fight away built up deposits of fat beneath the skin, as well as helping you to feel generally healthier.
Now whilst all of the above will help to fight the appearance of cellulite (and help you to be healthier at the same time), none of them are actually capable of completely getting rid of your cellulite. If you want to truly fight the appearance of cellulite within your skin, you need to book a cellulite reduction treatment which are capable of targeting specific troubled areas to give the smooth skin that you’ve been looking for.

Among the many different techniques that are available for body contouring and providing a smooth and shapely silhouette, HIFU is one of the best and most unique that is currently available. By focusing on specific intensities and depths beneath the skin, the HIFU treatment is able to effectively fight the appearance of cellulite by targeting the fat layers beneath the skin at specific depths and destroying them. HIFU, which stand for high intensity focused ultrasound, uses (you guessed it) ultrasound energy to create a powerful thermal effect that melts the fat cells and destroys them from within without causing any damage to the surrounding tissues. What this means for cellulite is that it effectively gets dissolved from within the skin and is flushed out of the body using natural waste expelling methods, leaving you with smoother and firmer skin.
More traditional methods of cellulite reduction used radiofrequency and lasers which use forms of energy that are either scattered near the surface of the skin or absorbed into other layers before hitting the fat which limits the amount of penetration to the right places and in turns causes the results that are delivered to be much more temporary and last much shorter.
So there you have it, whilst you can use any number of at home remedies and serums that promise the world when fighting the appearance of cellulite, you won’t find some form of miracle treatment that gets rid of it for good that you can do yourself. To truly get rid of and fight cellulite, you need to book yourself in for a cellulite reduction treatment and make some small changes to your lifestyle to ensure that you keep your results up after you walk out of the door.