What is male gynaecomastia?
Male gynaecomastia is the mass or enlargement of breast tissue in men and boys. The telltale signs of hormone imbalance in the levels of estrogen and testosterone are frequently responsible for the growth of gynaecomastia, which can often lead to confidence issues when it comes to being seen in public.
What are the causes of gynaecomastia?
There are many reasons why someone may have gynaecomastia, the most common of which is down to hormone imbalance. This can be a natural imbalance and can take place during puberty, but is also something that can present itself while taking steroids. Obesity can also cause an increase in estrogen levels which can also contribute to the growth of breast tissue.
As people grow older they produce less testosterone, which can also cause an imbalance in hormone levels within the body. Other causes like medical side-effects, illegal drugs, alcohol misuse, health conditions such as kidney failure or liver disease, Klinefelter syndrome and testicular infections can cause gynaecomastia, so without a thorough consultation it’s hard to truly pinpoint the root cause.
What are the signs of gynaecomastia?
The telltale signs of gynaecomastia are an amount of extra tissue around the nipples, that can vary in size from a small amount to giving the appearance of enlarged breasts. It can affect one or both breasts and can cause the area surrounding the affected area to be tender or painful, but this isn’t always the case.
Should I get gynaecomastia surgery?
If you’re uncomfortable with the way your breasts look or have already been diagnosed with gynaecomastia, you might be a good candidate for a male breast reduction surgery.
How much can gynaecomastia surgery cost?
In the UK, gynaecomastia surgery costs start at around £4125. We offer free consultations and provide all patients with industry leading aftercare for all our surgical procedures to ensure that you achieve the best results possible.
What should you expect with gynaecomastia surgery?
Gynaecomastia surgery is carried out under general anesthetic and usually takes between two to three hours. Depending on the severity of the gynaecomastia that is present, you may be required to stay in the hospital for the day. Before your gynaecomastia surgery you are advised to stop smoking for 2 weeks prior to your surgery, you should also stop drinking alcohol a week prior to your surgery.
You should avoid eating for 8 hours before your surgery and should also avoid drinking water for at least 2 hours before going into surgery. It’s recommended to shower either in the morning or the night before your surgery, and it’s advised that you wear loose and comfortable clothing to avoid any irritation to the chest post-surgery.

After gynaecomastia surgery
Directly after surgery and for the first few days, your breasts may appear bruised and swollen. The provided bandages can be removed after a few days and it’s possible that any scars will seem red and elevated. Both of these symptoms will improve and fade with time.
Our surgeons will take every precaution to make sure that scarring will be minimised and will provide our industry leading aftercare to truly maximise the final results of your surgery.
Will I feel pain in my chest after undergoing surgery?
It’s common to experience at least some level of pain and discomfort in your chest after undergoing gynaecomastia surgery, and our surgeons will give you advice on how to deal with and manage it when you get home. If you have any problems or questions, our team is available to assist you with any issues by calling 0800 772 0039.
Gynaecomastia Aftercare
There are a number of things that you should consider after undergoing gynaecomastia surgery. We recommend taking at least one week off work after surgery, but it depends on the sort of industry you work in. Some industries are far less intensive than others (such as an office environment in comparison to a busy warehouse), so you may be able to return to work sooner. We also advise taking 1-2 weeks away from driving after you have received your gynaecomastia surgery as wearing a seatbelt can cause irritation to the chest.
There will be some noticeable bruising and swelling after your surgery for around 2-3 weeks post-surgery, and after around 6 weeks you can partake in more strenuous exercise.
When will I see the results of my gynaecomastia surgery?
There will be a visible improvement following your surgery however this still will be hindered by the swelling on the chest. It can take up to 6 months and requires properly following the aftercare to see the best results.
Is the surgery safe?
Gynaecomastia surgery is relatively safe treatment to take; however all forms of cosmetic surgery come with a degree of risk. The most common risks of male breast reduction surgery are bleeding, scarring and infection. Your surgeon will take all precautions to minimise the risk of chest scarring and infection risk will be minimised if all aftercare is followed per procedure.