With hair loss, there are a wide number of reasons that can cause it to happen, from your diet through to genetic and medical disorders, but there are a number of unexpected things that can also cause it start or make it worse.
Normal hair loss, ranging anywhere from around 50 to 100 hairs per day, is absolutely nothing to worry about but if your hair loss is exceeding this value, you should contact a doctor or professional immediately. Hair loss that isn’t normal needs to have its causes pinpointed, and the unexpected causes can be weird and wonderful. Some of the most well-known unexpected causes are;
Taking too many vitamins
As good as vitamins are for helping to manage and counteract the effects of hair loss, there is such a thing as too many vitamins and they all have their flaws. For example, taking too much vitamin A, D or both as well as taking an excessive amount of protein can have a hugely detrimental effect on your hair. Maintaining a healthy diet with the correct amount of nutrients and vitamins in order to keep your hair as healthy as possible.
Your normal hair routine
Although it isn’t something that gets spoken about a lot when it comes to hair loss, your hair care routine can actually cause you to lose your hair. From your hair styling products to perms and bleaching, these things can all cause breakage to your hair and in the long run with continued use it can effect your hair, especially when using things such as hairdryers, curlers and straightening irons with the heat too high.
Prescription drugs
Now this one comes across as more of a shock entry for hair loss than the others as taking a prescription drug to combat the effects of a medical condition, but many people don’t know about the negative side effects of some of these drugs. For example, birth control medication, blood-thinning and antidepressants can all have an effect on your hair and cause it to fall out. Not all medications have the same negative side effects but if you have any worries, contact your GP immediately.
Brushing your hair too often
It is actually possible for you to brush your hair too much. As mentioned earlier, an average head of hair loses around 50 to 100 hairs per day under normal circumstances. Under other circumstances where there are additional factors in play, things such as brushing more often or excessively can cause your hair to fall out in larger amounts and can lead to earlier hair loss.
If you feel that you are losing your hair for any of the reasons above, or for any unlisted reason, then we would recommend contacting a GP as a matter of urgency to rule out any form of underlying medical condition in advance, but if you feel that you need to undergo any form of hair restoration surgery or that medication will help you combat your hair loss, then our team are on hand to help you 7 days a week.