At Better Hair Transplant Clinics, it’s not uncommon for us to see a large amount of female patients enquiring about surgery regarding hair restoration. More often than not, a large amount of these will come to us after trying and exploring many different options for hair loss treatment, designed specifically for women.
For these women, who are suffering or who have suffered with hair loss permanently, or pattern baldness, hair transplantation is very often the best chance of restoring their hair.
Diagnosing the issue
Ensuring that a patient will be given the correct diagnosis on an individual basis is incredibly important. Every patient that will be evaluated in one of our clinics will undergo a similar hormonal and medical evaluation to help find their specific reason for hair loss. This evaluation is very different for women than it would be for men.
Hair loss is taken seriously by us, so by performing a disease specific medial evaluation on our patients, we are able to establish their cause for hair loss. Evaluating a medical history fully is the first step we use when dealing with women experiencing any type of hair loss, and will be carried out during your initial consultation. The disease specific evaluation is performed as it will help us establish whether the hair loss treatment is best managed by medical treatments or surgical. In some cases this can be managed by both.
Female hair restoration
There are thought to be an approximated 30 individual conditions that are believed to cause female hair loss. Many of these however can be managed and resolved using the correct treatment. Any women experiencing any kind of hair loss should consult with their physician to help them determine what is causing their hair loss, as this will eliminate any serious medical conditions before beginning to look into, and evaluate hair loss or restoration treatments.
Female hair loss
The occurrence of hair loss is often undesirable for anyone, but is well known to occur in men. Losing hair as a female is often seen as a disturbing experience that often leaves women feeling ashamed, which is only made worse by the conventional beauty standards and having a full head of hair. The stigma that is attached to female hair loss can have a very drastic effect on a woman’s confidence, as well as her personal relationships by taking a strong grip on their daily life.

The media very often portray women that don’t experience any significant hair loss or balding, however this is a myth, and we are here to provide help for you every step of the way with advice tailored to your specific situation and needs with treatments.
As this hair is your pre-existing natural hair, which is being moved from one area to another, it will grow as normal and will be completely permanent. This means that there will be no need for any medications to maintain it, you can just enjoy your natural hair.
Female pattern baldness
Female pattern baldness, also known as androgenetic alopecia, is one of the most common types of hair loss that women are affected by. Its very similar to male pattern baldness, but the most notable difference is that the pattern of hair loss is different between men and women.
In female pattern baldness, the growing phase of the hair is what slows down, which causes new hair to take longer to begin growing. This directly affects the hair follicles, and will cause them to shrink. This will make any hair that does grow be a lot thinner, and weaker than normal hair. While its considered normal for women to lose around 75 hairs on a daily basis, those who suffer from female pattern baldness are likely to lose a lot more hair.
It is considered to be a hereditary condition, but in addition to genetics, this condition can be worsened by naturally occurring things, like aging and menopause. For women suffering with female pattern baldness, receding hairlines are very uncommon, and this can be divided into three different types.
Type one, which is a very small amount of thinning that starts around the parting.
Type two, which is a larger amount of thinning around the hair parting, causing the parting to widen.
And finally, type three, which is thinning throughout the hair, with a visibly see through area on the top of the scalp.
Each one of these types of pattern baldness can be treated differently, which is why we encourage every patient to have an individual diagnosis, to consider what treatment will be best for them. If you think you could be suffering from female pattern baldness, please book a free consultation with us here, so we can diagnose your individual issue and help you fight hair loss.