Not everybody is blessed genetically with a body type that they desire, which can cause these people to resort to extreme lengths to try and achieve this, opting for plastic surgery and implants for enhancements in certain areas. Now, however, you can avoid these lengths to eliminate any form of sagging while still adding shape and volume to achieve amazing results without any risks of expensive surgery. At Better Body Clinics, we offer a non-surgical Brazilian butt lift treatment, the most effective way to enhance the look of your buttocks, allowing you to sculpt your curvature as well as erasing cellulite, using the non-surgical breakthrough in the contouring of the body.
Traditional augmentation of the buttocks involves surgically redistributing fatty tissue or the use implants, to create an aesthetically pleasing shape to a flat behind. This procedure is very expensive, as well as carrying the normal risks of surgery, as well as surgeries recovery time.
We use methods that are clinically proven to allow our patients a chance to benefit from having a tighter, contoured behind. This treatment also gives your behind improved tone, firmness, and smoother skin with better contouring in a single, simple treatment. The non-surgical Brazilian butt lift procedure that we provide has no downtime associated with it, and the cost of it is a fraction compared to the standard surgical procedure, whist being safe and effective.
Why should you choose a non-surgical Brazilian butt lift?
The Brazilian butt lift itself is a good choice if you are looking for augmentations to you behind, but the non-surgical option is a brilliant alternative to the traditional butt lift surgery. This is because it comes without the cost and risk which is normally associated with this surgical procedure. By shaping the thighs and buttocks rather than repositioning body fat, its entirely possible to achieve natural looking results that will only improve over time, giving your silhouette a more shapely stature.
The non-surgical Brazilian butt lift is also able to fight the signs of aging that affect the body, like the appearance of “saddlebags” around the thighs, as well as cellulite.
Compared the original Brazilian butt lift, the procedure is a lot faster, usually only taking an hour or two, with spread out sessions. The side effects compared to the standard BBL are minimal, and can easily be managed using basic medicine.
So, how does it work?
Our non-invasive, non-surgical Brazilian butt lift uses different methods, such as fat freezing and HIFU technologies to travel through the body’s layer of subcutaneous fat painlessly, in turn, lifting and shaping the thighs and buttocks to be more firm. These technologies melt the fat pockets that cause the skin to look lumpy and dimpled, re-positioning some of the fat to create an appealing buttock contour. The broken down fat is then naturally expelled through the lymphatic system.
The HIFU technology is responsible for causing thermal reactions beneath the skin which is used to destroy the fat cells effectively from within, and tighten the skin, while the fat freezing technology is used to cool down the fat cells and stop them from being able to function normally. By combining the two different technologies, the non-surgical butt lift treatment is able to remove buttock fat and tighten the skin, giving results that look completely natural.
As the fat cells are broken down and expelled via the body’s natural processes, the results will continue to improve over time until the final results are visible, giving steady progress that can aid the appearance of natural results.
The treatment itself has many positive effects, which include reducing loose skin on the buttocks, stretch marks and cellulite from the thigh, and saddlebag areas whilst simultaneously lifting and shaping the buttocks to help provide a shapely silhouette.
One of the key benefits of the non-surgical Brazilian butt lift is that it is a lot less invasive than traditional surgical procedures, which can result in significantly less pain and discomfort during the recovery of the procedure. Additionally, the procedure is a lot less costly than a surgical Brazilian butt lift, which can make it a lot more affordable for many patients.
Overall, the non-surgical Brazilian butt lift is a safe alternative to the standard BBL in many ways, for example, our non-surgical Brazilian butt lift is cheaper and less invasive. It is a great option for patients who want to achieve a more youthful and attractive figure, but for people who are not ready for the risks or long recovery associated with surgery.
If you feel like a non-surgical Brazilian butt lift is something that you are interested in, due to it being non-invasive and a simple way to get a natural look for your buttocks, then please book your free, no obligation consultation with us here.