Buccal fat removal is a specialised form of procedure that is specifically designed to fight the appearance of weight on the cheeks. Fat in specific areas of the body can be very difficult to target effectively and the fat cells that are on and around the face tend to be heavily resistant to both healthy diet and exercise. By surgically removing the buccal fat pads from within the cheeks, you can reduce the appearance of facial fullness and enhance the natural contours of your face to achieve a more natural and contoured appearance.
One of the most commonly asked questions when it comes to a buccal fat removal surgery is “will buccal fat surgery make me look old” and to be completely honest, it’s a very good question. By removing and directly altering the appearance of the face, it is understandable that the effects of ageing on the skin is going to be a worry.
What happens during buccal fat removal surgery?
The buccal fat pads are a naturally occurring pocket of fat on both sides of the face, but their size varies from person to person and while one person may have a slim face already, another person will have a noticeably rounder and fuller face. This is something that is determined by genetics and can be asymmetrical on opposite sides of the face.
Buccal fat removal surgery, also known as a cheek reduction, is a form of cosmetic surgical procedure that is performed to alter the appearance of the cheeks. During the procedure, the buccal fat pad is surgically removed from within the cheek to create a slimmer facial contour. Once they have been removed from the face, it gives a leaner and more contoured shape to the face which gives your jawline and cheekbones more definition.
Will it make my skin sag?
Because the buccal fat is just a deposit beneath the skin, there is no actual anatomical connection between the two. As the face ages, it’s a commonly known fact that the skin will start to sag and wrinkles will appear but this is thanks to the reduced production of collagen and effects of both gravity and time on the skin. If anything, the buccal fat within the cheeks will actually operate as a form of weight which pulls the cheeks down and enhances any appearance of sagging that could appear, so undergoing a buccal fat removal surgery should (in theory) actually help to reduce any sagging of the skin.
Will buccal fat removal make me age more quickly?
The cheeks begin to appear aged when the cheek mound falls and starts to sag, creating the appearance of jowls and flat cheeks. For the majority of people around the world, throughout our lives we will continually gain weight as we move through life until we hit a point where our metabolism doesn’t allow us to gain weight any further. This depends on genetics, gender and ethnicity, but at some point this will happen to everyone.
By removing the buccal fat from the face, it won’t drastically affect the age in which someone will suffer from the loss of volume in their face but generally, there can be an initial exaggeration to the ageing but the end result will be the same.
Will undergoing buccal fat removal surgery make me look “gaunt” when I am older?
Having the buccal fat pads removed from the face is guaranteed to make you look skinnier as it is removing a layer that has built up the appearance of your cheek. The “gaunt” appearance generally comes from a combination of sagging skin, loss of volume and an over prominence of the cheek bones. While the buccal fat does have an effect on the volume of the face, it isn’t responsible entirely for facial volume and just because somebody has a “gaunt” appearance, it doesn’t directly relate to them undergoing a buccal fat removal surgery.
Will the results of the surgery be permanent?
In short, yes, the results that are associated with the removal of buccal fat pads are considered to be completely permanent. Because the area can swell during and after the surgery, it’s possible that it may take a few months to see the final results but they will be there forever. It is worth noting that it is completely possible for the cheeks to plump out again, although this is in cases where there is a significant amount of weight gain.
So, while buccal fat removal is not directly responsible for making your face age quicker, it can be associated with certain factors of facial ageing such as loss of volume in the cheek areas. For more information or to book yourself in for surgery, please contact us using our website and one of our team will be happy to discuss your requirements.