What is a Chemical Peel and how does it work?
Chemical Peels are a form of skin treatment to remove the top layer of the skin to allow new skin to appear which will improve the overall feel and look of the skin, this has many benefits too such as clearing up acne, removing dry or dead skin and they can help reduce wrinkles.
The treatment involves placing a chemical solution on top of the skin, the solution will consist of either alpha hydroxy acid (AHA), beta hydroxy acid (BHA) or a combination of both. the solution itself will be applied to the skin like a treatment mask and can be applied in one layer or in some cases a number of layers and will take around thirty minutes to have an effect while it’s on the skin.
What benefits do chemical peels offer?
Chemical Peels can help with many ways and you don’t have to have a visible issue with your skin to notice the benefits, chemical peels can help with acne by cleansing the pores on your skin to flush out all of the build up and congestion of oils and dead skin that may accumulate on the surface of your face. It can also benefit your skin by producing more collagen and improves your skin’s ability to hold moisture which keeps it hydrated for longer to prevent dry skin and reduces the buildup of dead skin within your pores which will make your skin look visibly healthier
If you also have slight minor scarring on your skin chemical peels can help reduce the noticeability of them slightly so they are harder to see
If you would like to see more benefits of chemical peels, feel free to visit our dedicated treatment page on them HERE
How do chemical peels feel?
Generally, during a peel, you will feel a warming sensation over the area that is being peeled. The aesthetician responsible for performing your peel will either fan the area for you or provide you will a small electric fan to hold over the area and aid in cooling your skin. Some patients may feel stinging, burning or even itching whilst the peel is performed and those sensations will stop once the peel is complete, if you feel any great discomfort during the peel inform your aesthetician and they will stop the peel immediately.

Is there anything I should know before having a chemical peel?
It should be known that people with darker skin should take more precaution before getting a peel and must ensure that the peel they will be receiving is formulated for their skin type as some very strong chemical peels can cause more hyperpigmentation on darker skin.
We also advise that pregnant women shouldn’t receive chemical peels due to the chemical and hormonal changes within the body during pregnancy.
If you would like to view more Contraindications in relation to chemical peels, feel free to view our dedicated page on it.
When will I notice the results of a Chemical Peel?
Unfortunately, chemical peels can be a bit unpredictable and the results vary on an individual basis. Some patients may see results as early as 10 days after their peel, however, others may not see results until approximately 3 weeks after the treatment. For people who receive a large number of facial treatments, the chemical peel may simply enhance the way their normal skin looks and not provide any huge change or results.
Is there anything I shouldn’t do after a Chemical Peel treatment?
Because chemical peels are stimulating, you may need to modify your lifestyle behaviour following a peel to avoid any unnecessary irritation or hyperpigmentation to your skin. Following a peel, we advise that you avoid excessive exercise with sweating for a few days, do not scrub or pick at your face or use retinol or AHA products for at least 10 days. We also recommend avoiding any excessive heat source such as a sauna or hot tub.
Can I book a Chemical Peel with Better Body Clinics?
Yes you can, if you are interested in booking a chemical peel with us feel free to use one of our contact methods and if you have any questions in relation to chemical peels feel free to ask and we would be happy to answer them, whether that’s through a phone call, email or live chat, you can contact us HERE